The 16 days of activism against gender based violence ends today with Human Rights Day. This year I wanted to really revel in the joy of protest/rebellion and activism in our right to choose what we do with our bodies, our right to occupy space and our right to be heard on an equal footing. As part of the women in the world project, a few of my lovely sisters from the wonderful @worldpulse community participated with passion, gusto and enthusiasm.
Dancing and moving with our hips, shaking our bodies with abandon, big movements and screams, the entire thing just followed a framework with no choreographed movements. Just revel in the sheer joy of unpackaged, unglossy movement.
– Aparna Nagesh
It was an absolute joy of freedom and abandon to dance for this video. Aparna sent us simple instructions that were easy to follow, and even before seeing her compilation, there was so much excitement to be a part of something so beautiful and profound. The unleashed happiness of women owning our own bodies in public space is a powerful force and I am grateful to Aparna for recognizing this truth and making space for that force to show up in an unfiltered burst of expression.