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Logo depicts thoughts in one on one conversation

Kindle the Spirit

What is it?

Learning to discover who you really are can be hard in most circumstances, and even more so if you are considered weird for being neurodivergent, queer, ecosensitive or anything else. I have walked this path in my own life, and developed tools and resources that might support you as you walk your path.

Understand the language of your own body, mind, heart and spirit, and get empowered to choose your own direction. Discover your authentic experience in a safe container with personalised one on one sessions tailored to your situation and personality.

For Whom : People seeking support to live life authentically and courageously
Session frequency : 1 hour every two weeks
Nature of meeting : 1 on 1 sessions
Format : Online (paid)

The model and offerings

How does it work?

Notice: become aware of where you are in the here and now

Observe: what are all the patterns that have brought you here?

Question: dig deeper to understand the roots of your patterns

Apply: action the wisdom that emerges from you in response to your questions

Move: move forward gently, step by step

Fail: know that you are human, and setbacks are inevitable

Restart: keep going, your learnings will deepen as you soar

Notice: become aware of where you are in the here and now

Click on each orb spiraling inwards to explore the seven steps on the Spiral of Growth Note: This element has not been optimized for mobile yet.

Click on each orb spiraling inwards to explore the seven steps on the Spiral of Growth Note: This element has not been optimized for mobile yet.

Notice: become aware of where you are in the here and now

Observe: what are all the patterns that have brought you here?

Question: dig deeper to understand the roots of your patterns

Apply: action the wisdom that emerges from you in response to your questions

Move: move forward gently, step by step

Fail: know that you are human, and setbacks are inevitable

Restart: keep going, your learnings will deepen as you soar

Notice: become aware of where you are in the here and now

Each session of KTS will be tailored to your personality and situation, using a scientific approach to observe and experiment with best-suited tools, practices and strategies.

We will follow the seven-step process on the Spiral of Growth below to explore how your past, present and future are interacting with one another. We take a dynamic, organic, experimental approach so that you stretch towards growth in a safe and contained way.

You will receive these tools (and more!) to cultivate, reframe and immerse in daily practice as it suits your needs.

A Few Intentions

Who is it for?

People who are struggling to align family values with personal identity

Folks who are feeling disconnected from long-term friendships and relationships

People who have had enough of trying to fit in at the cost of their own happiness

Folks who want to claim their own power and be wonderfully, authentically weird

People who want to reframe their sensitivity as a superpower and learn to wield it

Folks who want to build lives of meaning and purpose during this time of global uncertainty

Session Details and Format

When and where is this happening?

We will meet one on one in a cultivated safe space online for 1 hour every 2 weeks. This will ensure time for you to digest and apply all that we excavate. After our first session, we can decide how to proceed, developing a mutually designed flow to best meet your needs.

Why consult with me?

“We are not designed to live in survival mode.
Our Bodies need safety.
Our souls need rest.”

– Nicola Jane Hobbs

    • Become comfortable with who you are
    • Learn to rest in diverse ways that work for you
    • Grow your capacity to feel all your feelings
    • Understand the various cues that you receive from your body
    • Re-learn how to trust yourself and other people
    • Explore boundaries and how to draw them gently but firmly
    • Strengthen your skills to regulate your behaviour and emotions
    • Navigate appropriate behaviours in various situations
    • Develop a self-care toolkit for different circumstances
    • Frame your context in terms of the systems of oppression you were born into
    • Name your identity and experience to begin healing slowly
    • Learn to connect with nature as a teacher and an instant source of safety


About the Facilitator

Arpita identifies as neurodivergent, queer and ecosensitive. She spent years blaming herself, only to realise that guilt and shame are not the answer. Memories of childhood abuse and other traumatic events urged them to deepen in self-inquiry and the spiral or growth model is based on their personal journey through their dark night of the soul.

Arpita has also been certified and trained in various healing modalities as well as somatic and artistic practices. Their intersectional and interdisciplinary awareness is always underlined with a commitment towards safety, inclusion, equity and celebration of diversity.

How much do you charge?

Well-Supported Pricing

1,500 INR
If you are well-resourced financially, please consider paying full price so that people with need can access the SFA Pricing.

SFA Pricing

1,000 INR
If you are a Student or in need of Financial Assistance due to social, physical, cultural or economic disabilities, choose this pricing.

I trust you to choose the right amount. You will not be asked to prove your financial status. If you need additional support, please mention it when you get in touch.

Are we a good fit?

Contact me to set up a conversation