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Tending the Flame

What is it?

Tending the Flame is a support group and community for people who want to feel more authentically connected to themselves, their people and their planet.

It is a facilitated space where people come together regularly to share and be heard non-judgmentally, as well as explore their inner and outer lives based on topics and interest and values of all the participants.

I curate each cohort of Tending the Flame to be a unique balance of backgrounds, personalities, and affinities of each participant.

Delicious Diversity Cohort

1 July to
6 August

This tending the flame will take a deep dive into the repression of diversity in sex, sexuality and intimacy as a form of systemic oppression, and gently hold space for you and our community to open up to authentic experience in a safe and brave space.

Who is it for?

A Few Intentions

People looking for community with shared values

Folks finding ways to deepen community care in their life

People wanting to experiment with models for building safety in communities

Folks looking for a space where they’re seen among kindred spirits

People looking to slow down and pace communication mindfully: engaging body, mind, heart and spirit

Folks looking for tools to understand and embody transformational justice

The model and offerings

How does it work?

The first session is a deep exploration of the intentions, values and stories of each participant.

The rest of the sessions offer a guided facilitation on topics that emerge during the first conversation, offering tools, practices and strategies for personal, interpersonal and systemic awareness and growth.

The space invites you to be brave in how much you open up, while striving to remain safe for your nervous system via the core values of confidentiality, non-judgment and equity.

You will receive these tools (and more!) to cultivate, reframe and immerse in daily practice as it suits your needs.

“The wound in one person can become the door through which everyone can find the centre of life again.”

– Michael Meade

Why attend these circles?

“The times are urgent. Let us slow down.”

– Bayo Akomolafe

    • Explore living more intentionally
    • Explore the different parts of yourself that encourage you and criticise you
    • Practice goal-setting
    • Learn to apply an experimental attitude to life
    • Develop stronger communication skills
    • Feel more empowered to act on your own behalf via boundaries
    • Explore various topics of interest to your group in detail
    • Learn tools, practices and strategies for self and community care
    • Delve deeper into your social and environmental background as an individual and community
    • Practice taking initiative and responsibility towards all beings
    • Develop awareness of interconnection between self, others and environment
    • Build and enact frameworks for safety, joy and abundance in relation to all beings


About the Facilitator

Arpita has been facilitating since 2014, and has lived in multiple community spaces. These experiences have strengthened her adaptive and experimental muscles. Arpita has trained in academia, education, fine arts, facilitation and social change, and this renaissance approach informs her inter-disciplinary facilitation style.

Arpita’s own lived experiences with multiple marginalities and ongoing practice in embodying safety, joy and abundance bring versatility and freshness to their process.

Past Cohorts

Register for the upcoming

Delicious Diversity Cohort